
Three exercises are outlined below which correspond to three sets of maps in the Resources section. The exercises are designed to test students' knowledge of the Roman Empire during Tacitus' lifetime by asking them to fill out partially incomplete maps of important places. 

Exercise 1

Map 1 is of the Roman Empire and her provinces in 69 AD. The students should try to label the 30 provinces correctly. 
You can find the completed version of Map 1 below the incomplete version. 

Exercise 2

Map 2 is of Rome and her seven hills. Significant landmarks have been labelled for the students, and their task is to correctly name the seven hills.
You can find the completed version of Map 2 below the incomplete version. 

Exercise 3

Map 3 is of the Roman Forum. The students' task is to label the significant landmarks and temples. 
You can find the completed version of Map 3 below the incomplete version. 
