
Using twelve pivotal cases, this book brings comparative politics to life by highlighting the key differences in political systems around the world. This website contains an array of innovative resources to support teaching and learning.

For students

  • Spotlight Map providing key information and statistics about a range of countries from around the world.
  • Guide to Researching Comparative Politics, which helps you to navigate the multitude of resources available on the internet related to comparative politics.
  • Quizzes and Flashcards to test your knowledge of the key terms highlighted and defined in each chapter.
  • Useful websites: a collection of curated links designed to enhance your understanding of the key topics in each chapter.

For instructors

  • Testbank of pre-prepared multiple choice questions related to the coverage of each of the book’s chapters.
  • Teaching Slides for each individual chapter, ready for instructors to adapt and customize to suit their weekly lectures.
  • Figures and Tables from the text are available for download.

About this book
