
Chapter 5: Managing Diversity Across Cultures

This page includes links to videos and articles featuring managers from different parts of the world. You can use these materials to gain insight into how practicing managers think about the topics that are discussed in Effective Management: Developing Yourself, Others and Organizations . Please note that these are external weblinks, which means that their content is not under the control of the book author and publisher. If you do come across a broken link, please contact us at: web.editor@macmillaneducation.com.

Meet the managers from the “CEO best practice” boxes …

Glenn J. Chamandy, President and CEO of Gildan Activewear Inc. (Canada)

Article link: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/asian-pacific-business/how-gildan-drew-the-cost-cutting-line-at-its-factory-in-bangladesh/article11644463/

This article reports how Glenn Chamandy decided to invest in employee safety instead of lowering costs in a textile factory that the company had acquired in Bangladesh.

Reflection and discussion questions:

- Which ethical principles might Chamandy have followed when deciding to invest in making the newly acquired factory in Bangladesh a safer workplace?

- How would you evaluate Chamandy’s actions to invest in employee safety from a business perspective?

Article link: https://genuineresponsibility.com/media/uploads/policies/policy_diversity_and_inclusion_english.pdf

This is a link to Gildan Activewear’s official Diversity and Inclusion Policy (which came into effect under Chamandy’s leadership).

Reflection and discussion questions:

- What are the key elements of Gildan Activewear’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy?

- What is the role of a diversity and inclusion policy like Gildan Activewear’s in creating a more inclusive work environment?

Marillyn A. Hewson, President and CEO of Lockheed Martin (USA) and Eddie Bagwell, Ethics Officer at Lockheed Martin (USA)

Video link 1: https://youtu.be/Fi1BLZPtjHA [1:36 minutes]

In this video, Marillyn Hewson explains why she focused on creating a more inclusive environment at Lockheed Martin.

Reflection and discussion questions:

- What were Hewson’s main motives for focusing on diversity and inclusion?

- What initiatives did Hewson use to foster diversity and inclusivity in her organization?

Video link 2: https://youtu.be/Mpcg88hseQI [11:16 minutes]

In this video, Eddie Bagwell, Ethics Officer at Lockheed Martin, explains the basic elements of the defense and technology company’s corporate ethics program.

Reflection and discussion questions:

- What is the role of an ethics program for a company like Lockheed Martin?

- What would you see as the key preconditions for an ethics program to be effective?

… and meet a few other managers, too

Ricardo Fernandez, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer of Prodigy Finance (UK)

Video link: https://youtu.be/QIoAkFpN8wQ [13:14 minutes]

Ricardo Fernandez is a Spanish marketing and sales manager who leads his team composed of people from ten different nationalities remotely. In this TEDx talk, he shares the challenges that he has experienced in managing a global virtual team.

Reflection and discussion questions:

- After watching the video, what would you consider to be the main challenges of working in a global virtual team?

- What can a manager of a global virtual team do to avoid the intercultural communication problems that Fernandez highlights in the video?

Sarah Nahm, Co-Founder and CEO of Lever Inc. (USA)

Article link: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/talent-acquisition/pages/build-inclusive-culture-recruiting-diversity.aspx?_ga=2.145566973.878579962.1568114972-806709981.1545916640

In this interview with shrm.org, Sarah Nahm, CEO of the talent acquisition software company Lever, gives her opinion on how organizations can reach their diversity and inclusion goals.

Reflection and discussion questions:

- What does Nahm mean when she says that diversity and inclusion become “front-page news”?

- What did you learn from the interview with Nahm about what managers can do to foster diversity and inclusion in their organizations?

Video link: https://youtu.be/FbbmjzGSZzk [25:37 minutes]

In this video, Sarah Nahm reflects on the role that diversity and inclusion play in her start-up company Lever Inc.

Reflection and discussion questions:

- Why does a founder and CEO of a start-up company make diversity a core topic of concern?

- Which concrete actions did Nahm and her team take to create a more inclusive environment at Lever?
