
This core textbook Globalization and Sustainable Development is the ideal companion for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in international business or sustainable development. The book is written from a narrative perspective and is focused on being both approachable and readable.

A comprehensive overview examines culture, governance of societies and the role of business and their strategies so that students get a clear insight into the complexities of transition and sustainability issues and how they apply to society and enterprise. Consult the Preface and Table of Contents for a more detailed description of the topics.

The book is further supported by supplementary educational material. For teachers a series of assignments have been developed which can be accessed by registration (Teaching Resources). Summaries, presentations and illustrative short films are offered per chapter (Powerpoint and Videos) and are available to teachers and students alike.

The Teaching Resources section provides challenging cases and class assignments with appropriate elaborations.

The Presentation and Video sections offer Powerpoint presentations and You Tube clips for every chapter.
