
Chapter 12: ABORTION

1. Explain why it is important to arrive at an accurate and unbiased characterization of the unborn for purposes of discussing and understanding the abortion issue (note DB 12A, Section 12.3).  

2. Do you think there are morally relevant differences between adult persons and the unborn? If so, what are some of them?  If not, in what ways are the two morally similar?  Either way, what relevance does your answer have to the question of whether abortion is morally justified? 

3. Consider this hypothetical case:  If A does not have an abortion, she will give birth to a severely defective baby, which will drain the emotional and financial resources of her (and her spouse or partner, if she has one) for years to come.  Do you think it is morally justifiable for A to have an abortion? What different approaches to answering this question are suggested by the arguments of Thomson, Werner and Hare (Sections 12.10 and 12.12)

4. What is Hare’s golden rule argument regarding abortion (Section 12.12). Do you think the golden rule can be adapted to the abortion issue in the manner he proposes?  Why or why not?