
3. Apply your understanding

1. Reflect on the languages that are (or were) spoken in your own family. Were these maintained over time or have they been lost? If some of these languages are no longer spoken, what were the circumstances through which they were lost?

2. Locate and read the following interview on the topic of translanguaging:
Grosjean, F. and A. Pavlenko (2016), ‘What is Translanguaging?’, Psychology Today. Available online: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/life-bilingual/201603/what-is-translanguaging (accessed 23 January 2018).

Imagine that you have a new student in your class who has arrived from abroad and does not speak English. What are some specific strategies you might use to create an inclusive environment that gives the children implicit and explicit messages that all languages, and the use of multiple languages, are valued?