Welcome to the companion website for The Digital Markets Act: A Guide to the Regulation of Big Tech in the EU.
The purpose of this website is to report on important developments in relation to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), such as decisions designating tech giants as “gatekeepers” and decisions initiating or concluding non-compliance proceedings. It is intended to enable you to explore in more detail the issues which the book can only cover in outline, and to follow the DMA-related case law, which moves at a fast pace.
The website starts with a section providing briefs on the designation decisions that have been adopted so far. The next section focuses on decisions initiating or concluding non-compliance proceedings. The third section provides references to initiatives undertaken by Member States, the European Commission, and other institutions and committees (e.g., the DMA High-Level Group) that aim to contribute to the effective implementation of the DMA.
We hope you find the book interesting, and the website useful.