
Chapter 11

Introductory discussion: (beginning of chapter)

  • The purpose of the Amuse Bouche is to draw attention to the language used to define and assess shape. Present the example of clothing fits, for instance denim jeans, with descriptors such as “skinny” and trends that vary by time and place.
    • Alternately, ask students to bring examples of shape descriptors in advertisements and media to class. Options include:
      • Clothing advertisements that use descriptors for body shape.
      • Travel / vehicle advertisements that emphasize personal space.
      • Online guides or quizzes that claim to assist the consumer in finding the ideal clothing fit, shape, or makeup routine for their shape.
    • This activity likely evokes questions about standards for beauty that differ by race, class, culture, and/or gender.
      • To prepare, instructors may want to review the literature on intersectional identity and particularly the work of Kimberlé Crenshaw, resources available online, for example via this link https://diversity.gwu.edu/resources-intersectionality
      • Encourage students to use critical thinking in their exploration of the standards we encounter for shape. What are the causes and consequences of these standards? How might their perpetuate systems of privilege or discrimination?


Chapter 11 Learning Objectives

  • Describe the prevalence and global spread of overnutrition and the obesity epidemic and health-related consequences of obesity
  • Describe the etiology of overnutrition and obesity:
    • Synthesize evidence from:
      • Biopsychology, including the contribution of feedback and plasticity in energy regulation, and the positive-incentive perspective
      • Environment, including obesogenic factors in the modern food and built environment, and provide evidence of the economic hypothesis for obesity and health disparity
    • Define the nature and efficacy of interventions for obesity:
      • Apply principles of biopsychology to appraise the efficacy of diet and exercise interventions
      • Identify and describe potential changes to our obesogenic environment and the shift of responsibility required for success of these strategies.
      • Evaluate the role of psychological processes in the success of weight-loss interventions, synthesizing concepts from reward and self-regulation
      • Explain avenues such as body positivity to counteract weight stigma.


Charts for Body Composition

Genetic Disorders and Obesity

Food Addiction Debate

The Biopsychosocial Model for Overnutrition 

The Sugar Challenge

Body Positive?