
Chapter 11: Presentations

Chapter 11 suggests that your presentation should begin with a bang so that you grab your audience’s attention from the moment you begin. Here are some links to sites where you might be able to source some quotations or statistics to do just that.

There are several websites providing a wealth of quotations but they do not always state the source and therefore you can’t be sure whether they are reliable. One of the most trustworthy quotation resources, complete with a handy search facility is provided by Oxford Reference Online.

The Ministry of Justice publishes a range of statistics on various matters which can be used to shock, surprise or stir interest.

Want the latest crime statistics?

Civil matters
Her Majesty’s Court Service publishes annual reports detailing the cost of the civil court system, the amount of claims lodged and how long it can take for cases to be heard.

Employment law
The Tribunal Service produces an annual report stating how many claims were lodged, settled, withdrawn, struck out and so on, as well as figures on compensation.

Office for National Statistics
A wide range of data can be found on the ONS website ranging from facts about the population, labour market statistics to regional information.
