
Useful Resources

View the periodic table that appears inside the front cover of the book

Good webpages for chemistry students

American Chemical Society (ACS) Education

Highlights include:

Royal Society of Chemistry

Highlights include:

Just click on an element and more information pops up. If you dig down, you will find the history and uses of the element, its oxidation states and even some photographs and videos of the elements and their reactions. This is available as a free app for mobile phones: a must for every chemistry student!

Type in the name of a compound (e.g. aspirin) and up comes its formula, molecular mass, uses and a host of other useful information including 3-D space filling structures (but be patient as this can be slow loading) and IR, NMR and Mass spectra. Another comprehensive database for organic compounds is to be found at: http://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/direct_frame_top.cgi

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

First port of call for data on elements and compounds. Provides spectroscopic and thermodynamic data, including standard enthalpies of formation and standard entropy.

Brian Haran/University of Manchester videos

National Science Foundation

  • Chemistry Now, a collection of short video clips which includes the discovery of the adhesive used in post-it notes, why ammonia is a good cleaning agent and the chemistry of smell.

Argonne laboratory

  • An interesting website with clips on a wide range of scientific topics, including batteries, green energy and nuclear energy. Also with links to ‘Ask a scientist programmes’ in several countries.

Nobel prize winners in Chemistry

Special Database for Organic Compounds

Selected Videos

There are plenty of film clips on the web about ideas in chemistry (such as chemical equilibrium, reaction rates, moles and the naming of organic compounds). Perhaps the most fun is to be gained is by looking at demonstrations of the reactions of elements and their compounds. Here are a few examples to illustrate the range of chemistry clips available.

One way to learn the elements. This is an updated version of the periodic table song. If you can memorise this song, it would be a great achievement!

The reaction of alkali metals with water. Some of the reactions are violent!

Colours and reactions of the halogens.
