About this book

This third edition of Construction Technology 2: Industrial and Commercial Building is designed to guide you through industrial and commercial building technology at undergraduate degree and HNC/ HND level. The most student-friendly textbook in the area, it uses a wealth of pedagogical features to reinforce your understanding and test your knowledge, including case studies and comparative studies.

The third edition has been fully reworked and updated, including:

  • A new section on the highly topical subject of Building Information Modelling and a new chapter on sustainable building services
  • Comprehensive coverage, with material on sustainability integrated throughout so you understand how it fits in at every stage of the construction process
  • A wealth of new photos and illustrations, and an enhanced page layout
Suitable as a standalone text or as a follow-on to Construction Technology 1, this accessible text is full of engaging features and case studies to ensure you get the most from your study of industrial and commercial building.
