Links to Interactive Tests

This page contains to some of the online interactive tests and assessment tools that are discussed in the book.

Covin and Slevin (1989) developed a nine-item instrument to measure entrepreneurial orientation covering innovativeness, risk-taking and pro-activeness. Each dimension was covered by three questions with responses measured on a seven-point Likert scale. It is available on http://www.entrepreneurialorientation.com/measures.html.

An assessment tool that allows you to see where you fall on Erin Meyer’s eight scales for measuring an individual’s culture is free to use on https://hbr.org/web/assessment/2014/08/whats-your-cultural-profile. It also provides a comparison with the typical result from your own country, allowing you to see the cultural profile of your own country

The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Modes instrument is available on: www.kilmanndiagnostics.com/overview-thomas-kilmann-conflict-mode-instrument-tki

Sashkin’s Leader Behaviour Questionnaire is a 360-degree assessment instrument that measures visionary leadership behaviours, characteristics and contextual effects. It needs to be filled out by between three and six colleagues. It is available on www.hrdpress.com/Visionary-Leader-Self-5-Pack-VLSQ

Kirton Adapter-Innovator (KAI) – This is a test that distinguishes between the two cognitive thinking styles described in the book: right-brain innovators (System 1) and left-brain adaptors (System 2). It uses a test, consisting of 32 questions, to assess the different dimensions of creativity, including originality, attention to detail and following rules. The scores range from 32 to 160 – one in the 60–90 range indicates an adaptive cognitive style and a score in the 110–140 range indicates an innovative style. Neither style is seen as ‘better’ than the other, each score is only different and complementary in the context of problem-solving and team working. The test is available at: https://kaicentre.com/.

AULIVE – This is a free-to-use online test, consisting of 40 questions, that measures the respondent’s preferred general creativity across eight dimensions. The test is available at: www.testmycreativity.com.

Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) – This is a test that measures and describes thinking preferences in four dimensions, based on a 120-question online test. The test is available at: http://www.hbdi.com/WholeBrainProductsAndServices/programs/thehbdi.php.
