
Customer Testimonials

We love to hear from teachers using de Romanis. If you’d like to share your de Romanis story with us and leave a review, please email schoolsclassics@bloomsbury.com

“This exciting new Latin course has first-rate integration of linguistic and paralinguistic material. The carefully graded stories are all the sorts of stories that the Romans did tell about themselves and to their children.” - Melvin Cooley, Warwick School, UK

“One of the many strengths of this course is that it can be adapted for learners of different interests and abilities. The stories and background material chosen for both books are relevant, appealing and a great knowledge base to understand the world of the Romans - women included - without resorting to sugar coating.” – Ana Martin, Latin Tutor Online

“The de Romanis textbooks have breathed new life into Latin learning!” – Emma Kate Trow-Poole, The King's School, UK

"de Romanis seemed heaven-sent to help me!" - Jo Lashley, Lead Latin tutor at Wolsey Hall, Oxford. Read case study here.

“We have moved to de Romanis this year, and it has offered students a tremendous balance of exciting Roman background material and logically presented Latin grammar.” - Chris Burnard, Abingdon School