
Table of Contents

  1. Introduction and Overview
  2. Statistical Aspects of Experimental Design in Experimental Econometrics
  3. Treatment Testing
  4. Theory Testing, Regression and Dependence
  5. Modelling of Decision Times using Regression Analysis
  6. Dealing with Discreteness in Experimental Data
  7. Ordinal Data in Experimetrics
  8. Dealing with Heterogeneity: Finite Mixture Models
  9. Simulating Experimental Data, and the Monte-Carlo Method
  10. Introduction to the Method of Maximum Simulated Likelihood
  11. Dealing with Zeros: Hurdle Models
  12. Choice under Risk: Theoretical Issues
  13. Choice under Risk: Econometric Modelling
  14. Optimal Design in Binary Choice Experiments
  15. Social Preference Models
  16. Repeated Games and Quantal Response Models
  17. Depth of Reasoning Models
  18. Learning Models
  19. Summary and Conclusion

Appendix A: List of Data Files and Other Files
Appendix B: List of STATA Commands
Appendix C: Choice Problems used in Chapters 5 and 13
