

Click on the links below to access learning weblinks from each chapter of the book.

Part 1 The International Dimension and the Organization
Chapter 1 The business enterprise in the international environment
Chapter 2 Perspectives on globalization

Part 2 The Environment of IB
Chapter 3 The economic environment
Chapter 4 The cultural environment
Chapter 5 The political and legal environment

Part 3 Competing in the Global Marketplace
Chapter 6 International trade and regional integration
Chapter 7 Strategy and organizations
Chapter 8 Marketing

Part 4 Managing in the Global Environment
Chapter 9 Human resource management
Chapter 10 Supply chains
Chapter 11 Finance and accounting
Chapter 12 Innovation and strategy

Part 5 Global Issues and IB
Chapter 13 Ecological challenges for business and society
Chapter 14 Corporate social responsibility
Chapter 15 Global governance

General reference

Chapter 1: The Business Enterprise in the International Environment


www.cafecoffeeday.com Café Coffee Day
www.ericsson.com Ericsson (click on investors for corporate info)
www.ge.com General Electric
www.gemconsortium.org Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
www.mcdonalds.com McDonalds
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.pepsico.com Pepsi Cola
www.sony.net Sony
www.starbucks.com Starbucks
www.un.org United Nations
www.volkswagenag.com Volkswagen AG (click on other subjects and investor relations)
www.worldbank.org The World Bank
www.wto.org The World Trade Organization


Chapter 2: Perspectives On Globalization

www.about.puma.com PUMA
www.bajajauto.com Bajaj Auto Ltd
www.delphi.com Delphi
www.dyson.co.uk Dyson
www.gm.com General Motors (click on investors and retirees)
www.ibm.com/investor IBM
www.lenovo.com Lenovo Technology
www.mahindra.com Mahindra
www.nokia.com/aboutnokia Nokia


Chapter 3: The Economic Environment

www.dolinalotnicza.pl/pl Aviation Valley
www.ebrd.com The European Bank
www.ecb.int The European Central Bank
www.economist.com/indicators The Economist Newspaper
www.europa.eu The European Union online
www.heineken.com Heineken
www.imf.org International Monetary Fund
www.investor.walmartstores.com Wal-Mart Stores
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.samsung.com/us Samsung
www.worldbank.org World Bank


Chapter 4: The Cultural Environment

http://english.aljazeera.net English site for the Allied Media Corp
www.adherents.com Adherents.com
www.allied-media.com/aljazeera Allied Media Corporation
www.bnq.com.cn B & Q Chinese website
www.citigroup.com Citigroup Inc
www.homedepot.com The Home Depot USA Inc
www.kingfisher.co.uk Kingfisher plc (home improvement group incl B&Q)
www.pewglobal.org Pew Global Attitudes Project
www.roche.com Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
www.stats.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development Statistics Extracts Database
www.un.org/esa/population/unpop United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division
www.unhabitat.org United Nations Human Settlement Programme
www.unstats.un.org United Nations Statistics Division
www.weforum.org World Economic Forum
www.worldbank.org The World Bank


Chapter 5: The Political And Legal Environment

http://investor.google.com Google
www.cca-i.com Christiansen Capital Advisors, LLC
www.childcare.com.au ABC Learning Centres (Australia)
www.europarl.europa.eu The European Parliament
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.oedc.org Ouachita Economic Development Corporation (2005) Product Market Regulation Index
www.pewglobal.org Pew Global Attitudes Project
www.shell.com Shell
www.smh.com.au Sydney Morning Herald - Australia
www.theaustralian.news.com Australian News
www.theworldin.com The World In 2008
www.transparency.org Transparency International – The global coalition against corruption
www.un.org/law The United National Internation Law website
www.worldbank.org The World Bank
www.wto.org World Trade Organisation


Chapter 6: International Trade and Regional Integration

http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov NASA Earth Observatory
http://ec.europa.eu/trade The European Commission for Trade
http://europa.eu The European Union online
http://stat.wto.org World Trade Organization Statistics Database
www.afrobarometer.org Public Attitude Surveys in Africa
www.agoa.gov African Growth and Opportunity Act
www.airports.org Airports Council International (search for “Global Traffic Forecast”)
www.apec.org Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation
www.aseansec.com Aseansec
www.azersun.com Azersun Holdings
www.bbc.co.uk/news BBC News website
www.boeing.com The Boeing Company
www.brazil.org.uk Embassy of Brazil
www.comesa.int The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
www.destatis.de Federal Statistical Office of Germany
www.eads.com European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
www.epzakenya.com Export Processing Zones Authority – Kenya
www.ers.usda.gov United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service
www.imd.ch Global Business School in Switzerland
www.mercosur.int Trade Agreement for South America
www.nafta-sec-alena.org/ North American Free Trade Agreement Secretariat
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.unctad.org United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
www.washingtonpost.com The Washington Post Newspaper
www.weforum.org World Economic Forum
www.worldbank.org The World Bank
www.wto.org World Trade Organization


Chapter 7: Strategy and Organizations

http://business.timesonline.co.uk The Times Newspaper
http://wardsauto.com Wards Auto
www.abb.com ABB Group
www.economist.com The Economist Newspaper
www.ge.com General Electric
www.imf.org International Monetary Fund
www.nissan-global.com Nissan Motor Company
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.starlinger.com Starlinger Group
www.unilever.com Unilever N.V.
www.wegelectric.com WEG Electric


Chapter 8: Marketing

http://tatanano.inservices.tatamotors.com Tata Motors
www.asda.co.uk Asda
www.cerealpartners.co.uk Nestlé
www.imf.org International Monetary Fund
www.interbrand.com Interbrand Corporation
www.lge.com LG Electronics
www.mcdonalds.com McDonalds
www.miele.com Miele Inc.
www.millwardbrown.com Millward Brown
www.pg.com Proctor and Gamble
www.statssa.gov.za South African Government Statistics
www.wds.worldbank.org The World Bank (documents and reports)


Chapter 9: Human Resource Management

http://accenture.tekgroup.com Accenture Newsroom
www.astrazeneca.com AstraZeneca International
www.bankaustria.at/en Bank Austra UniCredit Group
www.ec.europa.eu/ European Commission
www.gecad.com GECAD Group
www.imf.org The International Monetary Fund
www.loreal.com L’Oreal United Kingdom
www.loreal-finance.com L’Oreal France
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.rzb.at Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB Bank)
www.sparkasse.at/erstebank Erste Bank
www.tcs.com Tata Consultancy Services
www.thesggroup.co.uk The Stopgap Group
www.transparency.org Transparency International A Global Coalition against Corruption
www.vsgroup.com Pernod Ricard
www.worldbank.org The World Bank


Chapter 10: Supply Chains

www.adb.org/carec Asian Development Bank
www.bbc.co.uk The BBC Corporation
www.bosch.com The Bosch Group
www.dell.com Dell
www.dhl.com DHL International Ltd
www.inditex.com Inditex Group
www.isixsigma.com Six Sigma
www.iso.org International Organization for Standardization
www.Maersk.com A.P. Moller-Maersk Group
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.polb.com Port of Long Beach
www.toyota.co.jp Toyota Corporation
www.wto.org The World Trade Organization


Chapter 11: Finance and Accounting

www.arcelormittal.com Mittal Steel N.V.
www.asiapulpaper.com Asia Pulp and Paper Group
www.blackstone.com The Blackstone Group
www.cadbury.com Cadbury plc
www.cvc.com CVC Capital Partners
www.debenhams.com Debenhams
www.drpeppersnapple.com Dr Pepper Snapple Group (new holding company of the former Cadbury Schweppes plc Americas Beverages business)
www.dubai.ae/en.portal Government of Dubai
www.iasb.org International Accounting Standards Board
www.imf.org International Monetary Fund
www.londonstockexchange.com London Stock Exchange
www.nasdaq.com National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ)
www.nyse.com New York Stock Exchange
www.transparency.org Transparency International: the global coalition against corruption
www.unctad.org United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
www.world-exchanges.org World Federation of Exchanges


Chapter 12: Innovation and Strategy

www.amadeus.com Amadeus
www.apple.com Apple Inc.
www.cemex.com Cemex
www.economist.com The Economist
www.euromonitor.com Euromonitor International
www.financialexpress.com India Business News
www.gsk.com Glaxo Smith Kline
www.imf.org International Monetary Fund
www.imo.org International Maritime Organization
www.innovation.gov.uk Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform
www.kodak.com Kodak
www.martekmarine.com Martek Marine
www.mtorres.com MTorres Group
www.novartis.com Novartis
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.pfizer.com Pfizer
www.sonyericsson.com Sony Ericsson
www.uspto.gov United States Patent and Trademark Office
www.ustr.gov Office of the United States Trade Representative


Chapter 13: Ecological Challenges for Business and Society

http://bhpbilliton.com B.H.P Billiton
http://reports.eea.europa.eu European Environment Agency
www.3m.com 3M
www.bbc.co.uk/news BBC News
www.bp.com BP Plc
www.chiquita.com Chiquita
www.dfat.gov.au Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
www.dti.gov.uk Department of Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (formerly Department of Trade and Industry)
www.eea.europa.eu European Environment Agency
www.hm-treasury.gov.uk Her Majasty’s Treasury
www.huhtamaki.com Huhtamaki
www.ipcc.ch Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
www.mnp.nl Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
www.nytimes.com New York Times Newspaper
www.sargas.no Sargas A S
www.wholefoodsmarket.com Wholefoods Market
www.worldbank.org The World Bank


Chapter 14: Corporate Social Responsibility

http://business.timesonline.co.uk The Times Newspaper
http://hrw.org Human Rights Watch
www.aafrc.org Giving USA Foundation
www.accenture.com Accenture
www.angloamerican.co.uk Anglo American
www.bbc.co.uk/news BBC News
www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk The Cabinet Office (UK Government)
www.CorporateRegister.com CorporateRegister
www.ecgi.org European Corporate Governance Institute
www.econ.mq.edu.au Department of Economics, Macquarie University
www.ethicalcorp.com Ethical Corporation
www.fairtrade.org.uk Fairtrade Foundation
www.gatesfoundation.org The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
www.gruponueva.com GrupoNueva
www.guardian.co.uk The Guardian Newspaper
www.hrcberkeley.org Human Rights Center, University of California Berkeley
www.ilo.org International Labour Organization
www.irglobalrankings.com IR Global Rankings
www.marksandspencer.com Marks and Spencer
www.nikebiz.com NIKE
www.silicon.com Silicon
www.worldbank.org The World Bank


Chapter 15: Global Governance

http://europa.eu The European Union Online
www.adia.ae Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
www.bbc.co.uk/news The BBC News
www.bis.org Bank for International Settlements
www.fairtrade.org.uk Fairtrade Foundation
www.gazprom.com OAO – Gazprom
www.gic.com.sg The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation
www.hrw.org Human Rights Watch
www.imf.org International Monetary Fund
www.joinred.com RED
www.legalaffairs.org Legal Affairs Magazine
www.microsoft.com Microsoft Corporation
www.microsoft.com/msft Microsoft Investor Relations
www.oecd.org Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
www.theglobalfund.org The Global Fund
www.un.org/millenniumgoals The United Nations Millennium Goals Website
www.un.org/peace The United Nations Peace and Secruity Website
www.unglobalcompact.org The United Nations Global Compact
www.worldbank.org The World Bank
www.wto.org The World Trade Organization


General reference

Brits get rich in china Channel 4 documentary following the trials and tribulations of four British entrepreneurs as they try to make it in China and find a whole manner of challenges they weren’t expecting.
The Ascent of Money, a Channel 4 series looking at the world financial system, how it evolved and what has been happening over the past months and years to make it near collapse
In Business, a BBC Radio 4 series dedicated to businesses of all scales and locations. The latest episodes are usually available to download on Listen Again.e
File on 4, a BBC Radio 4 series with a broad scope, but which often covers issues related to international business. Transcripts from previous episodes are available to download here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/file_on_4/7427982.stm
From our own correspondent, a BBC Radio 4 series with a very broad scope and geographical range
www.ibtimes.com/intl/ International Business Times, a website that provides financial news worldwide, and is published in a number of regional editions (Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, UK, US) as well as an overall ‘international’ edition
www.npr.org Independent US-based provider of news
Guardian country profiles accessed via interactive map
