
1.3 Women in the Home


Sparta (The British Museum) - An excellent overview of Spartan culture, with some primary source material for study.

What's in a pot? (The British Museum) - An excellent overview of ancient Greek culture, with some primary source material for study.

Oikonomikos (Ancient History Sourcebook) - An excerpt from the Oikonomikos, which relates the experience of an Athenian husband getting to know his new wife and discussing how they will divide workload within their oikos.

Aristotle: Spartan Women (Ancient History Sourcebook) - An excerpt from Aristotle in which he discusses the laws governing the lives of Spartan Women.

Documents on Greek Slavery (Ancient History Sourcebook) - A fine selection of primary sources on slavery in Greece.

Ancient Greek Dress (The Met Museum) - This website provides an enlightening overview of the clothing worn by ancient Greeks.