Other Resources

Flow Charts

How to become a smart thinker | Word Document | (0.017Mb)

Smart thinking | Word Document | (0.02Mb)


Analogies - evaulation | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

Conceptual analysis structure | Word Document | (0.03Mb)

Designing solutions vs finding them | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

Grid analysis | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

How to become a smart thinker | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

Levels | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

Paired comparisons | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

Quebec health inspectors | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

Semmelweis - Convergences | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

Semmelweis - Divergences | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

What makes a good decision maker? | Word Document | (0.02Mb)

What makes a good decision? | Word Document | (0.02Mb)


Creative Thinkers Questionnaire | Word Document | (0.02Mb)
