
Video Library » Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to the social psychology of everyday life

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The self

In the TED talk below, Julian Baggini challenges the notion that there is a permanent, true self that we can discover.

Is there a real you? 

Discussion questions:

  • What are the key ideas about the self that Baggini is trying to communicate to us?
  • How does this fit with your understanding of the self and/or how the self is widely understood in society?
  • What are the implications of these ideas for thinking about the self in psychology?
  • What might be some of the advantages or disadvantages of thinking about the self either as something fixed and contained in the body/mind or as a dynamic process? 


This next video outlines the scale of global inequality. Although this video is a few years old the issues discussed have intensified rather than reduced.

Global Wealth Inequality

This talk explains the debt fuelled economy of the UK, which is also apparent in many other OECD countries.

Inequality: Why are the rich getting richer?

Discussion questions:

  • What, if any, are the issues these clips raise for you?
  • Why is dominant idea in society that poverty is an individual’s fault?
  • Do we need to stop blaming poor people and poor countries for their conditions?
  • What are the issues inequality raises for psychology?
  • What might be some implications of current economic systems and inequalities in terms of impact on jobs, housing, household budgets and psychological stress?
