

In this collection of specially-recorded video interviews, experienced change practitioners share their views on key topics in change management. The accompanying ‘Managing Change in Practice’ feature in your textbook raises questions you may want to consider as you watch the videos

Chapter 4: Recognizing the Need and Opportunity for Change

Mick Yates discusses the impact of big data and how it can change the way the enterprise makes decisions, how departments within an organization talk to each other and how the business interacts with its customers.

Hugh Thomas, co-founder of Ugly Drinks, describes how starting a business is different from working in an established large or medium-sized organization and talks about some of the challenges that entrepreneurs have to manage in order to secure the future of their new venture.

Chapter 7: Starting the Change

Colin Ions from DLA Piper argues that HR managers can make a strong contribution to change so long as they are on the right agenda and ‘get into the mind of the CEO’.

Chapter 10: Shaping implementation strategies

Steve Gorton from Enabling Development argues that those managers who are too focused on a top-down approach will be less successful than those who do everything they can to win the hearts and minds of all those involved in or affected by the change.

Rene Bomholt from Netcompany, Denmark’s fastest growing IT consulting house, talks about the importance of anchoring ownership of the change with those who need to change.

Chapter 11: Developing a change plan

John Oakland from Oakland Consulting plc talks about how he has used his ‘figure of eight’ framework in his consulting work with a wide range of organizations.

Chapter 12: Types of intervention

Paul Simpson, a freelance HR and OD practitioner, talks about how he used training and one-to-one coaching to help change the culture of a special metals business. He also considers some of the limitations of using training to deliver this kind of systemic change.

Chapter 13: Appreciative Inquiry

John Hayes (the author) provides an overview of appreciative inquiry, expanding on the key points in the chapter.

Chapter 16: The role of leadership in change management

Jo North from The Big Bang Partnership Ltd highlights what she sees as four key leadership tasks.

Chapter 21: Motivating others to change

Johnny Schmidt, formally head of global customer service with Maersk Line, talks about the most important lesson he has learned from managing change in complex organizations.

Chapter 22: Supporting others through change

Debbie Middleton from Middleton Green Executive Resourcing talks about what happens when people are forced to let go of their current job and move to a different role within the same organization, or when they are released from their job and made redundant.

Chapter 24: Reviewing and keeping the change on track

Barrie Hopson, a serial entrepreneur, talks about the importance of recognizing when it is time to let go of managing the day-to-day detail, and confronting the need to let go of the original business concept. He refers to this as being like killing a favourite child.