"Raskin’s textbook takes an unprecedented approach by bridging sociocultural and historical with psychological and biological perspectives in a relatable and engaging manner. Social justice perspectives and case studies, woven throughout each chapter, challenge students to think critically about each psychological disorder.
– Clarissa Richardson, University of Idaho, USA

"This is a comprehensive, easy to read and didactically well thought through textbook on abnormal psychology, suitable for introductory as well as advanced clinical courses. The book offers different explanations for clinical disorders and highlights controversies and open questions and by this encourages the student to think independently. Particularly welcome is the inclusion of DSM-5, ICD-10 and ICD-11 diagnostic criteria, which makes this book interesting for the widest audience.
– Reiner Sprengelmeyer, University of St Andrews, UK

"Raskin’s text is a comfortable and informative read that students at all levels will enjoy, and even more importantly, it strikes a perfect balance between coverage of new scientific advances surrounding psychopathology as well as introductory clinical case conceptualization and treatment approaches.
– Edward Selby, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA

I am delighted to see a book that presents key information about diagnoses, but also presents a critical analysis of the issues and ways that students can consider the person, not just the problems they present with. This text presents and highlights key contextual factors and emphasizes the importance of different perspectives. This book is an excellent resource for undergraduate teaching to start to teach and discuss these key concepts of context and continuum, cultural considerations, and a holistic model of wellbeing.
– Kirsty Ross, Massey University, New Zealand
