
Chapter 9

  • 9.1: Excel file with one-sample t-test
  • 9.2: SPSS data file on which all remaining SPSS analyses are based
  • 9.3: SPSS syntax file for one-sample t-test (to use with data in file 9.2)
  • 9.4: SPSS syntax file for Wilcoxon signed rank test (to use with data in file 9.2)
  • 9.5: Excel file for paired-sample t-test
  • 9.6: SPSS syntax file for paired-sample t test (to use with data in file 9.2)
  • 9.7: Excel file independent samples t-test
  • 9.8: SPSS syntax for independent samples t-test (to use with data in file 9.2)
  • 9.9: Excel file with Mann-Whitney U Test
  • 9.10: SPSS syntax for Mann-Whitney U Test (to use with data in file 9.2)
