
Chapter 11

  • 11.1: Excel file for Pearson correlation
  • 11.2: SPSS syntax file for Pearson correlation (to use with data in file 9.2)
  • 11.3: Excel file for Spearman correlation
  • 11.4: SPSS syntax file for Chi Square goodness of fit (to use with data in file 9.2)
  • 11.5: Excel file for test of independence chi square
  • 11.6: SPSS syntax file for test of independence chi square (version 1) (to use with data in file 9.2)
  • 11.7 SPSS data for test of independence chi square (version 2)
  • 11.8 SPSS syntax for test of independence chi square (version 2) (to use with data in file 11.7)
