

1. This resource contains a series of articles related to young children’s identities and sense of belonging:

Brooker, L., and M. Woodhead (2008), ‘Developing Positive Identities,’ Early Childhood in Focus. Available online:
https://issuu.com/bernardvanleerfoundation/docs/enhancing_a_sense_of_belonging_in_the_early_years (accessed online 23 January, 2018).

2. The following books are useful resources on working with immigrant and refugee children and families:

Bernhard, J.K. (2012), Stand Together or Fall Apart: Professionals Working with Immigrant Families, Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood.

Mitchell, L., A. Bateman, A. Ouko, R. Gerrity, J. Lees, K. Matata, H.H. Myint, L. Rapana, A. Taunga, and W. Xiao (2015), Teaching and Learning in Culturally Diverse Early Childhood Centres, Hamilton, New Zealand: Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research. Available online: https://www.waikato.ac.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/257246/Teachers-and-Learning-for-website_2015-03-05pm.compressed.pdf (accessed 23 January 2018).

Tobin, J., A.E. Arzubiaga and J.K. Adair (2013), Children Crossing Borders: Immigrant Parent and Teacher Perspectives on Preschool, New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

3. The following resource provides more information on Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development:

Moin, S., and K. McLean (2018), ‘Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development’, Available online: https://psyarxiv.com/zf35d/ (accessed 22 January 2018).