
1. Check your understanding

Attention: Attention is related to voluntary attention, self-regulation, and the ability to focus.

Voluntary attention: Voluntary attention is a higher mental function that develops through the movement from involuntary attention, directed by external stimuli, to voluntary attention which is self-regulated by the learner through thought.

Self-regulation: Self-regulation involves regulating one’s own emotions and responding in appropriate ways to the emotions of others. In educational settings, it is often related to delayed gratification, impulse control, behavioural regulation, and engagement.

Nature pedagogy: A pedagogy informed by nature might use materials from nature (pebbles, leaves, pinecones, branches, etc.), or it might involve immersion in nature on a regular basis or all of the time (as in a forest preschool).

Humanist perspectives: Humanists draw on various child development perspectives to highlight sensory, experiential, and naturalist learning in the social world.

Posthumanist perspectives: Posthumanists challenge the relevance of humanist developmental perspectives on children and childhoods as these are seen to exclude non-western or Indigenous theories on development.