Chapter 20

internationalisation are, and their effects on the principles and practice of management. The first thing to do therefore is to recognise just how far your company or the company that you are considering is truly global or international. You need to bear in mind that having a website does not make you a global business; and so you need some more tangible elements, as follows: 

  • global influence
  • global physical presence
  • command of resources
  • global command of expertise
  • global reach
  • setter of global standards
You then need to recognise the elements that have to be addressed if you are genuinely to be effective in a global or international environment: 

  • cultural recognition and the respect of people’s differences
  • language barriers
  • time zones
  • national borders and boundaries and the issues of managing according to the laws customs and habits and practices of others
  • managing across distances

Finally you have to recognise the extent and basis on which you are welcomed into the new and international arena overall, and the locations and countries that you go into in particular: if it is purely because you are big enough to do so, and to set your own rules and impose your own ways on different parts of the world, then recognise that you do have this presence and that you will not always be respected or welcomed. You need to be honest enough to state clearly the reasons for going into new markets; and if this is to exploit them and then depart you need to be honest enough to say so. 
