
Exercise 20 (Chapter 5)

Use could whenever possible in the following sentences. Negative forms may be necessary. When could is not possible, use another appropriate form. Again, you may need to choose a negative form. Finally, decide in each case what kind of modality is being conveyed: permission, ability or mere possibility.

1. He’d already had two sandwiches and a chocolate bar. He ___ eat anything else.

2. She ___ date boys starting at the age of 16.

3. Her results were very bad that term, but she ___ go to the dance all the same.

4. Like modern-day elephants, mammoths ___ grow six sets of adult teeth in a lifetime.

5. I ___ eat anything when I was a child. I wasn’t picky at all.

6. He ___ ride a bike when he was six.

7. We ___ smoke on the school premises. If we did, we got in trouble.

8. Although I was exhausted, I ___ do my usual 10-mile run last night.

9. When we walked into the house last night, we ___ smell something burning.

10. The horse-drawn carts of the mid-1800s ___ reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.

11. He ___ speak Russian quite well when he was young.

12. In the end, I ___ explain to the gendarme that my passport had been stolen.

13. Sarah didn’t pick up when I phoned her, but I ___ contact her later via e-mail.

14. Before Sarah was promoted, you ___ contact her at the office more easily.

15. Several lucky concert-goers ___ go backstage last night to meet the band.