
Exercise 23 (Chapter 5)

The following examples all contain a conditional clause. Choose the right set of verbs from the list that is given. Specify whether the sentence refers to a possible situation or to a counterfactual situation.

1. If she _____ last year, she _____ wait five years before receiving her annual [. . .] cost of living increase. (But since she retired early), she will only have to wait one year. (www.dailystandard.com)

hadn’t retired / would have had to

didn’t retire / would have to

retires / will have to

2. If she _____ until next school year to retire, she _____ wait five years before receiving her annual [. . .] cost of living increase. (But since she retired early), she will only have to wait one year. (www.dailystandard.com)

had waited / would have had to

waited / would have to

waits / will have to

3. If she _____ until next school year to retire, she _____ wait five years before receiving her annual [. . .] cost of living increase. That’s why she’s decided to retire at the end of this year. (www.dailystandard.com (adapted))

had waited / would have had to

waited / would have to

waits / would have to

4. If she _____ until next school year to retire, she _____ wait five years before receiving her annual [. . .] cost of living increase. That’s why she thinks she might retire early. (www.dailystandard.com (adapted))

had waited / would have had to

waited / would have had to

waits / will have to

5. If we _____ all the ingredients yesterday, we _____ able to make the cake today.

haven’t bought / won’t be

hadn’t bought / wouldn’t be

didn’t / won’t be

6. If we _____ all the ingredients by tomorrow morning, we _____ able to make the cake tomorrow afternoon.

haven’t bought / won’t be

hadn’t bought / wouldn’t be

didn’t buy / won’t be

7. If he _____ to our arguments, we might actually manage to convince him.

just listens

will just listen

just listens OR will just listen

8. If he _____ to our arguments without actually thinking about them, we won’t get anywhere with him.

just listens

will just listen

just listens OR will just listen