
Exercise 26 (Chapter 6)

In each pair of sentences below, the beginning is identical. However, only one of them is a wh-cleft. Determine which one it is, and indicate what the grammatical function is of what in each case. Transform each wh-cleft into an unmarked declarative clause.

1. (a) What I ordered was fish.

(b) What I ordered was undercooked.

2. (a) What’s needed now is increasingly rare.

(b) What’s needed now is your signature.

3. (a) What she heard was fascinating.

(b) What she heard was an interesting debate.

4. (a) What he did was wrongly accuse a colleague.

(b) What he did was not very nice.

5. (a) What drives me crazy isn’t his fault.

(b) What drives me crazy isn’t his voice.

6. (a) What I’ll do now is call a plumber.

(b) What I’ll do now is none of your business.