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Chapter 1

Comments section on article about the 1 in 5 Muslims story

The Big Butt Trail to Point Misery

The survey behind the 1 in 5 Muslims story

Top universities [in the UK] make offers to 55% of white applicants, but only to 23% of black ones

the top 1% … has earned 85% of all new income

We created 800,000 new jobs

We built almost 2 million homes

Pantene conditioner makes hair up to 10 times stronger

People who smoke have 25 times the risk of developing lung cancer

150 minutes of moderate exercise per week reduces the risk of heart disease by 14

Bloodiest Black Friday on Record

600 pregnancies despite contraceptive implant

PolitiFact’s analysis of claims by US presidents and presidential candidates

OUTRAGE: Before Leaving, Obama Enacts Rules to Take $3,000 From EVERY American

Tens of Thousands Of Scientists Declare Climate Change A Hoax

Buzzfeed’s fake news analysis

World wildlife has halved in 40 years

Chapter 2

Synthetic Opioid Deaths Surge 72 Percent, Ravage States Across US

The CDC’s press-release about opioid deaths

lastminute.com press release

Mail Online story based on the lastminute press release

Sun story about the lastminute press release

Express story about the lastminute press release

BT News story about the lastminute press release

Evening standard HSBC pocket money story

Bustle story about amount of time spent having sex

IBT story about millennials and their selfies

Telegraph story about teenage historical ignorance

Michael Gove’s citation of the Telegraph statistic

Huffington Post’s writeup of the chocolate and weight loss story (updated when Bohannon announced the hoax)

Express writeup of the chocolate story

Times of India writeup of the chocolate story (copy – original removed)

John Bohannon’s explanation of his chocolate story

90,000 Christians killed for their faith (IBT)

Russia Today coverage of the Christian martyrs story

Newsweek’s coverage of the Christian martyrs story

Breitbart’s coverage of the Christian martyrs story

MSN’s coverage of the Christian martyrs story

Fox News coverage of the Christian martyrs story

One News Now coverage of the Christian martyrs story

Christian Post coverage of the Christian martyrs story

Ted Cruz citation of the Christian martyrs statistic

Center for the Study of Global Christianity report

BBC More or Less debunking the statistic

PolitiFact’s analysis of the ‘70% of the world’s poor are women’ statistic

Chapter 3

25% of Americans don’t know the earth orbits the sun

15% of British men would have sex with a robot

Results of the robot sex survey

One in five Australians don’t believe in climate change

28% of people convicted of homicide in Canada…

8.9 million people in the USA watched Season 6 GoT finale

Bustle coverage of the penis size story

Daily Mail coverage of the penis size story

India.com coverage of the penis size story

EU Referendum: British public wrong about nearly everything

IFOP’s infidelity report

The Mirror’s coverage of the infidelity story

The Huffington Post’s coverage of the infidelity story

Slate France’s coverage of the infidelity story

The average cost of a wedding rose to…

Chilling survey on political intolerance of American college students

More than half the UK population has no religion, finds survey

70% of married women have cheated on their partners

Chapter 4

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime data

Swedish report containing shootings data

More than two hours of social media a day doubles your risk…

Social media and loneliness press-release

Social media and loneliness academic paper

Tammy Baldwin tweet about gun violence

Nicky Morgan on young people unable to read and write

Paper on prevalence of discrimination based on Add-Health data

160,000 children miss school statistic on bullyingstatistics.org

160,000 statistic on nobullying.com (website no longer exists)

160,000 statistic on NEA website

160,000 statistic on business insider

Youth Risk Behaviour System data

Clinton was right about the basket of deplorables

Chapter 5

The average American spends approximately $1,800 per year in online purchases

The REAL cost of true love! The average person spends five years – and a whopping $20,200 – dating

The average student leaves university with £50,000 debt

The average woman has sex for the first time aged 16…

Number of arthropods in an average house

GQ stat on number of Instagram followers

Corbyn’s tax raid

How Canadian are you?

2009 Canadian Survey of Household Spending

Chapter 6

ISSP data on maternal childcare

Washington post police shootings data

Guns have murdered more Americans at home than in Iraq or Afghanistan (the original article appears to have disappeared, but PolitiFact’s factcheck is here )

BBC coverage of the skirt size story

Fox News coverage of the skirt size story

Telegraph coverage of the skirt size story

The original skirt size and cancer academic paper

Taking common painkillers like ibuprofen ‘increases your risk of cardiac arrest by a THIRD’

White bread, bagels and rice INCREASE the risk of lung cancer by 49 per cent, experts warn

Coffee reduces the risk of death

Two glasses of wine a day increase chances of bowel cancer

Chapter 7

Increase in the popularity of oral sex blamed for rising rates of throat cancer in New Zealand men

High fat diet linked to lung cancer risk

Daily tipple raises risk of skin cancer

Weekend lie-ins may be bad for your heart AND waistline

Can tap water cause acne?

NBC coverage of the coffee-depression story

BBC coverage of the coffee-depression story

Mail Online coverage of the coffee-depression story

Daily Mail coverage of the fish oil story

Northern Echo coverage of the fish oil story

Smartphones have destroyed a generation

Natural experiment of peer effects on drug and alcohol use

Harvard study of gun deaths and gun ownership

Chapter 8

James Barber’s election leaflet

Bush tax cuts graph

Gizmodo battery graph

It’s a man’s celluloid world report

Palin support pie chart

Global temperatures hockey stick chart data

National review tweet

Planned parenthood graph

Equality Trust charts

Vice drugs graph

Trump graph bonanza

Worst graph of the year

Chapter 9

Trump tweet on the London bombings

Five facts about black oppression Colin Kaepernick needs to know

The Queen’s pay rise

HMRC public expenditure

Chapter 10

Do almost all American felons grow up without a father?

The Fawcett Society Equal Pay Day

How common sense shows the gender pay gap is a myth

The Gender Wage Gap Myth and 5 Other Feminist Fantasies

Don’t buy into the gender pay gap myth

The economist article on the gender pay gap
