

1. If you are (or if you were) an Hispanic/Latino living in the US or UK, do you (or would you) believe it important to preserve your cultural identity, or do you think it’s best to assimilate to the culture you find yourself in? Why? Does cultural identity play a role in self-identity? In what ways?

2.  Do you think that immigrants should be expected to become fluent in the language of the country to which they immigrate? Can you explain why or why not?  Do you think that society should accommodate those who aren’t fluent in the country’s language, say, by having signs in more than one language? Why? With regard to Hispanic/Latinos, should schools make an effort to hire teachers and support staff who speak both English and Spanish for the benefit of immigrant children? Explain.

3. Many people believe that affirmative action should be practiced to redress past injustices to African Americans and women.  Do you believe that anti-Hispanic discrimination (“Hispanophobia” as it is sometimes called) also warrants affirmative action?  Does it matter that some groups have historically been treated more unjustly than others? Why or why not?