
1. Reflect on your own philosophy of teaching. What does the word partnership mean to you in the context of teaching and learning?  What do you feel you would be comfortable with?

2. Read the play scenario that follows. What are some ways in which the teacher might facilitate connections between the children’s everyday concepts and scientific concepts? What materials could be added to strengthen these connections?

Scenario A: Several children are playing in a dramatic play centre in the classroom. It has been set up in a generic way as a “house”, but the children are pretending that it is a grocery store. Alisha pushes around a toy cart and carefully chooses play fruits and vegetables, commenting on their freshness before placing them in the cart. Jamil carries a large tote and stows some plates inside exclaiming, “I need more cereal!” When they finish, they visit Emiko who pretends to ring them through a makeshift cash register made from a box.  

3. View this photo of the provocation. What might be some ways the teacher might facilitate connections between everyday concepts and scientific concepts?