
Chapter 13: Reflective Web Activities (RWA)

RWA13.1: Understanding tensions and challenges in the educational psychologist’s role from a historical perspective

Hill (2013) has traced the historical development of the role of educational psychologist in this chapter: ‘An evolving discipline: Exploring the origins of educational psychology, educational selection and special education’. In doing so, she has pointed out the genesis of some of the tensions and challenges inherent in the role today.

What, in your view, are the major challenges in the role of an educational psychologist, as you see them?

RWA13.2: Effective use of teaching and classroom assistants

The Report from the Education Endowment Foundation explains how the research for the report was carried out, and the rationale behind this.

What can you take from this that will help in thinking about how, in practice, to deploy teaching and classroom assistants most effectively?