
Chapter 6: Reflective Web Activities (RWA)

RWA6.1: Supporting bereaved children, and their peers, in settings schools and colleges

Working with bereaved young people and their peers can be very emotional for adults, as well as for the learners. In this situation it is very important to look for support, human and material. The charity Cruse Bereavement Care has produced some very relevant and useful advice and support for those working with bereaved young people in settings, schools and colleges. More information can be found here.

How useful are, or will, these resources be in supporting you to support bereaved learners and their peers in your place of work?

RWA6.2: Teaching self-regulation

Self-regulation is a very important aspect of learning. You can access how of the activities listed here and consider the extent to which they may be useful to teaching groups of learners self-regulation in classrooms.