
Chapter 4: Reflective Web Activities (RWA)

RWA4.1: Involving children in their own assessment

A number of templates entitled ‘All about me’ for collating children views about themselves can be found here. If you are interested in working with young children, you might consider which might be the most appropriate in your context.

RWA4.2: Effective use of sociograms in education

Please access the examples of sociograms in educational contexts that are available here and consider a young child, about whom you have some concerns in relation to his/her interactions with peers and adults in the learning environment, either in a classroom or outside in free play:

How might you use a sociogram to identify whether or not there might be a cause for concern?
How might the use of sociograms help you to track a child’s progress with development of social relationships?

RWA4.3: Consideration of the use of wellbeing surveys
If you are interested in reading and reflecting on the content and format of an exemplar survey developed specifically to evaluate learners’ perceptions of their own wellbeing, click here to download a survey developed by the Child Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC). This was designed to assess learners’ mental health and wellbeing, including emotional and behavioural difficulties, emotional strengths and skills, for example self-esteem, problem solving, goal setting and participation in home and school, and support networks in school, at home and in the wider community, from their own point of view. Please note that this survey is copyrighted and should not be used without permission of CORC.

For what purpose, specifically, might such a survey be used, do you think?

RWA4.4: Considering the use of a strengths and difficulties questionnaire

Click here for access to 'Strengths and difficulties questionnaire', developed by Goodman (1997). There are versions for families and teachers of young people from aged 3 to 16, and for adolescents. Each version includes up to three of the following: ‘emotional symptoms’, conduct problems’, ‘hyperactivity/inattention’, ‘peer relationship problems’ and ‘prosocial behaviour’. You may wish to consider the purpose of carrying out a survey in the first place and what might be done with the results, remembering that young people and their families have a legal entitlement to having their view considered in any decision-making about their education.

RWA4.5: Auditing the degree to which teaching is inclusive

The authors of the Primary Strategy (DCSF, 2005; DfES, 2006) developed an inclusive teaching checklist to evaluate the extent to which pedagogy in classrooms can be evaluated as inclusive of all learners. This checklist has proved to be really useful to many class teachers and can be found here.

You might choose to download a copy of this checklist to:
1. audit the degree to which the teaching in a classroom with which you are familiar is inclusive
2. reflect on what changes might be made to ensure that the teaching approach is more inclusive, if relevant