
Chapter 6: Co-design of collaborative open online learning experiences

In the midst of global crises involving health, conflict, displacement and the natural environment, the need for professional development at scale is becoming ever more pressing. This chapter introduces the idea of the CoMOOC – a Co-designed Massive Open Online Collaboration – that could offer a solution to the global need for professional development. This chapter builds on the research findings presented in Chapter 4 about how professionals learn. The chapter outlines the co-design approach for engaging with a professional community, which is vital for sustaining the CoMOOC longterm. Learning designs for CoMOOCs are discussed, examining the ways social learning and collaborative knowledge exchange for professionals can be supported. Drawing on evaluation data from a CoMOOC designed with teachers in Lebanon, the chapter argues that more effective design of MOOCs (e.g. as CoMOOCs) would better equip professionals at scale for the global challenges ahead.

Key words

Co-design, teacher professional development, TPD, professional development, MOOC, CoMOOC, methodology, learning design, evaluation, collaborative learning, videos, social learning, online learning, design features, professional community.

During the process of creating the CoMOOCs we represented the designs in the Learning Designer tool to support the co-design process. In some of our CoMOOCs, we found it useful to include a link to the learning design for the participants to see. You can view some of our learning designs in this folder in the Learning Designer, and you might find these useful as a basis for your own CoMOOC designs.

These designs are also examples of how the tool can be used to articulate a learning design that covers several hours of work over a week, and together over a month or more.