
Chapter 9: Planning for an evidence-based approach to co-designed massive open online collaborations (CoMOOCs)

Designing with evidence in mind produces online learning that is informed by evidence of what works, and designed to collect further evidence of impact. We use the ‘Value Creation Framework’ from Chapter 7 to provide a robust way of evaluating online learning in terms of its value to end users. Our approach to online learning design must therefore set out from the start to collect evidence of the value of its impact on professional practice. For the plan to work we developed a Co-Design Theory of Change that is illustrated by completed case studies. Each of its five stages generates its own data to establish the progress made through iterative cycles of change for impact. Promoting ever-improving cycles of online learning design will foster a culture of innovative collaboration in digital education, and inspire professionals to develop and build a shared community of knowledge. 

Key words

Value Creation Framework, co-design theory of change, professional development, building community knowledge, professional collaboration, orchestrated network of knowledge exchange, citizen science. 

Establishing a Theory of Change for an education initiative was originally introduced by researchers in the 1980s to show that an evaluation could find out not only whether it achieved the intended outcomes, but also how it did so. Understanding how the process led to the outcomes was as important as achieving them.

We conceived our own programme of work as a simple iterative sequential process, with feedback loops, depending on the outcomes of the later stages, which are all adaptive revisions, correcting or enhancing the earlier stages in the light of their outcomes. Figure 9.2 represents our Co-Design Theory of Change, clarifying the influences and feedback for each stage, and instantiating each stage in terms of its activities, actors, and the types of impact each creates.

Our Theory of Change could be adapted by other similar projects. This version is a PowerPoint document which is available to download and edit here.  

Image 3: Theory of Change

A Theory of Change for initiatives in teacher professional development